
My name is Daan Pepels.

On the 26th of October 2021 i started my commentary journey with the first broadcast for Platinum Racing League. At that time it was the 2nd practice session before the 5th round of the Shadowzone gaming GT3 championship (season 4). After that broadcast Marnix Heijster at that time the owner of Platinum Racing League, came up to me and said he wanted to continue producing these broadcasts. During the Winter of 2022 Platinum Racing League announced their last championship as a league for the foreseeable future, in between this period i did 70+ broadcasts for Platinum Racing League.


With these 70+ broadcasts as experience i got a message from James Parfitt asking if i wanted to join JPBroadcasting. Ofcourse chasing my dream of one day commentating on a real life race I could not say no to that proposal ! at the time JPBroadcasting had about 5 different championships every week, but this number soon kept going up and up to the point where I was doing 5 or sometimes even 6 broadcasts a week. This was a huge boost for my experience and helpt me develop into the commentator I am now. as of today I have done over 250 broadcasts for JPBroadcasting, and i continue working with James Parfitt and JPBroadcasting doing the commentary on sim races every week. 


During the fall of 2022 at circuit Zolder i met a driver called Ellis Spiezia who at the time was Testing an electric Formula car, and he told me about a series in Sweden called NXT Gen Cup. I looked at their website and saw that there was no info about a broadcast yet and sent the co-founder Fredrik Laustrup an email and to my surprise I got a very positive reaction! skip forward a couple of months and I am in Sweden for the first ever round of the inaugural NXT Gen Cup season at Falkenberg. This made the dream that I had as a kid of becoming a racing commentator come true!


Ofcourse the work does not stop here, the dream is still to one day be active in the commentary booth for all the big endurance races. 24H of Le Mans, 24H of Daytona, 24H of the Nürburgring, 24H of Dubai and the 12H of Bathurst. So we keep on pushing and improve!